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What are the Benefits of a Pearl in Astrology and Which Pearl is the Best?
Astrological Benefits of Pearls

NOTE: Astrology is not an exact science. It is based on a popular belief system. The points mentioned here are not backed by material evidence and are subjective to each individual. Read this blog post at your discretion. 

Are you a strong believer in astrology? Did your astrologer advise you to wear a pearl earring or a pearl pendant? Did you read on the internet or any astrology forums that pearls help calm the body, mind and soul? If you said “Yes!” to any of those questions you have come to the right place! 

Buying pearls for astrological purposes could be a chunky investment! So, having the right information is crucial before deciding. In this article you will find answers to the following questions: 

  • What is the use of pearl in astrology? 
  • Which rashi can wear pearl? 
  • What are the benefits of wearing pearl gemstone? 
  • Which pearl is best for astrology?
  • How to wear pearls for astrology?

Gemstones hold a significant place in astrology. Among those gemstones is pearl. So, without further delay, let’s dive right in! 

Use of Pearls in Astrology 

South Sea Look alike - Freshwater Pearl Set in Golden Colour Pearls

The ancient Vedic astrology links the pearl to the moon. Just like the softness and tranquillity exuded by the moon, the pearl is believed to have a soothing and calming effect on the wearer. 

Pearls, especially the white variety, are symbolic of purity, wisdom, wealth and integrity. 

Pearls are for persons whose Moon is weak in their astrological chart. Wearing pearls will help sober the effects and enhance the power of the Moon. Pearls are also recommended for people who have a beneficial Moon in their horoscope. 

So, if you are somebody with a lot of stress, anxiety or if you are a person who overthinks or gets easily depressed, then chances are that your astrologer recommended that you wear a moti (pearl). 

Astrologers suggest pearls to those individuals who are facing emotional instability. However, even people who are emotionally stable may be benefitted from wearing pearl jewellery. 

What Rashi Can Wear Pearls? 

“Rashi” refers to the zodiac sign. As per astrologers, people of a certain zodiac sign or those with the Moon in a particular position in the horoscope can benefit most from wearing pearl jewellery. 

Most astrologers recommend pearls to the people who belong to the following zodiac signs or rashis: 

  • Aries (Mesh)
  • Cancer (Kark) 
  • Scorpio (Vrushchik) 
  • Pisces (Meen) 

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Pearl Gemstone? 

Below are some of the benefits of wearing pearl stone in astrology as per astrologers: 

  • Bring about an emotional balance to a strained mind 
  • Cure insomnia, calm stressed nerves and control anger 
  • Eliminate the ill effects of the moon in the horoscope and strengthen the mind 
  • Improve self-confidence and create positive energy 
  • Strengthen the bond between husband and wife 
  • Pearls are a sign of prosperity and believed to bring good fortune 

Which Pearl is Best for Astrology? 

Now that you have decided to get yourself a pearl, the next question is what kind of pearl should you get? 

There are several types of pearls, and each type comes in different colours including white, gold, black, blue-green and orange. So, which is the best one for astrological purposes? 

Most astrologers advise people to wear saltwater pearls. The commonly suggested pearls for astrology are: 

  • South Sea Pearls 
  • Saltwater Keshi Pearls 
  • Basra Pearls 

South Sea Pearls 

5 to 5.5 Carats - 8 to 8.5 Ratti - White South Sea Pearl for Astrology Finger ring

South Sea Pearls mostly come from the seas of Australia, the Philippines and Indonesia. They are the largest type of pearls and also the roundest! 

A single South Sea Pearl takes about 5 to 7 years to form in the oyster. 

South Sea Pearl for an astrology finger ring can be at about INR 5,000. 

Saltwater Keshi Pearls 

Genuine Keshi Pearl in Silvery White Colour for Astrology Finger Ring

Keshi Pearl is not exactly a type of pearl but is the name given to them depending on their shape and how they are formed. 

Natural Saltwater Keshi Pearls are becoming incredibly rare because of water pollution and rising sea temperatures due to global warming and climate change. 

These pearls are extremely lustrous and take about 7 to 10 years to form. 

A Natural Saltwater Keshi Pearl for an astrology finger ring costs about INR 15,000 at minimum. 

Check out our rare collection of Natural Seawater Keshi Pearls now! 

Basra Pearls 

Basra Pearls refer to the pearls that are obtained from the city of Basra in Iraq. They are among the rarest of pearls. So, if somebody is offering you Basra Pearls, ensure that they are certified and verified. 

A Basra Pearl for an astrology finger ring costs about INR 60,000 at minimum. 

How to Wear Pearls for Astrology? 

As we interacted with several astrologers, we found out that many of them emphasize wearing the pearl in any manner as long as its surface touches the body (skin) and is not completely enclosed by the metallic part of the jewellery. 

Therefore, we recommended wearing pearls in the form of a finger-ring or a pendant


In the olden times, pearls have only been worn by royal people like kings and queens because they were obnoxiously expensive. Over time, they became affordable to celebrities and successful business people. 

Now, with Pure Pearls, even a regular person can afford the highest quality certified astrology pearls easily!

Check out our collection today or learn in detail about how pearls are priced in this guide.